Articles by Peggy

What’s your "Holiday Story"? (cont)

On a sheet of paper, write down the following:

Step One: Describe the thin story.
Ex. Rushing around, complaining about not having time, dreading family get-togethers.

Step Two: Identify what living out the thin story does to you.
Ex. It makes me not want to do anything. I don’t enjoy any of the holiday season, and if I go to my family with a bad attitude I know that it will surely turn out badly.

Step Three: Answer the question, "Why does this bother me?"
Ex. It bothers me because I really want to connect with people and the spirit of the holidays. I remember how wonderful the holidays felt when I was a child and I want to have my own children feel that too. I eat too much and then I feel bad about myself and my body.

Step Four: Looking at your answers to step 3, write down 3 words or phrases that describe what really matters to you.
Ex. Connection with others
Being a good mother
Taking care of myself and my body

NOW – in four steps you have created the beginning of a holiday story that at its core contains what matters most to you. Hold onto it in all that you do this season. If the thin story starts to take over, give yourself 3 seconds to remember the three phrases you came up with in step 4. Wear these phrases like armor – there to protect you from anything that wants to take you farther away from who you are and what matters most to you. Even if you can’t do everything in the holiday season that you might want, remember that you can still be you and stay true to what you hold most dear. And THAT feels good, even amidst the chaos of the season!

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